About Us

Est. 2001, Toowoomba, Australia

Reality Check Projects will work with your organisation to realistically help improve your business direction. We take both a commercial and a personal approach to aligning your employees with your bottom line performance.  We don’t take a legally combative or a textbook approach to your business.  Each organisation and every team member or stakeholder has unique and particular needs.  Our experience across a range of industry sectors recognizes this, resulting in collaborative solutions best suited for your benefit.

In essence we help you to take your own ‘reality check’. We check your capacity assumptions and your team’s capabilities for the business strategy. Using an “agile” approach we’ll help you develop and monitor your change journey, critical results, human resources and business performance. The advice and documentation provided is consistent with current workplace laws and technology platforms. 

Daryl Myatt
Workforce Advisor, Change Agent, HR Generalist

Daryl consults in diverse industry sectors including health services, aged care, and manufacturing. He has facilitated numerous consultancies in human resources management and industrial relations, workforce planning, innovative talent acquisition, change project management, business transformation, strategic planning, leader coaching, performance management, mediations, conflict resolution, and a range of sensitive matters. Using recognised models with appropriate tailoring, work packages are delivered for organisations confronting significant change and critical delivery. 

Affiliations & Memberships

Workforce Planning Institute 
Australian Human Resources Institute 
Industrial Relations Society of Queensland  
Australian Institute of Company Directors (Graduate) 
Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME Australia)
Leader Factor Certified Coach – 4 Stages of Psychological Safety